When I fall in love with a song, it’s never just about the music. Sure, a catchy melody is nice, but sometimes, it’s just about the the deeply written words, so careful...
The powerful dialogs I’ve been losing my mind this week because the man I love has vanished from my life without an explanation. I flew across an ocean. I stomped a fucking c...
Don’t you hate it when when you have so much to say but can’t find the right words? I’ve made a promise to myself not to hide when I’m in pain. It’s unfair ...
Why is it so damn hard for me to open up to people? Sometimes I see people sharing things deep down from their heart, pouring out their hearts with their innermost thoughts and fee...
I found a note deep inside my old drive somewhere. This is my conversation with someone who practically saved my emotional self when I broke up with my ex of 3 years. I’m lea...
Có những buổi chiều tôi đứng lặng lẽ trên một mỏm đá cũ kỹ và phế tích, trước biển cả dữ dội, trước từng cơn gió lạnh cắt người, nhìn vô vọng về vầng hào quang rực rỡ của mặt trời....